Monday, June 15, 2015

Help Yourself by Talking to Strangers

Striking up a conversation with a complete stranger is hard. But it may just prove more useful to you than the target of your conversation. Engaging others in conversation not only opens up potential new relationships and connections but it can also improve a person's sense of well being and put individuals in a more positive mood. Being civil toward random strangers is typically believed to benefit others—society at large or those who are befriended. But results of recent research indicate that 'pro-sociality' benefits the individual as much if not more than the target of the kindness. Think back to the times when a stranger has started a conversation with you or even just commented on something you both just witnessed.  In the vast majority of those instances the person proved to be interesting, friendly and good natured. So say hello to strangers and start a dialogue. You'll be glad you did, and happier.

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